Contact us
You are welcome to visit one of our service offices, in person. At our offices we guide you in the use of digital services and provide current information about your ongoing cases with the government agencies we co-operate with.
If you have a question to a specific agency or have problems using their digital services, we kindly ask you to call or e-mail the agency directly.
You will find digital services on each agency's website, where you also find a support line if you have any questions. At our service offices we can assist you in using the services or to apply for a Bank-ID.
The Swedish Public Employment Service
Phone: 0771-416 416
The Swedish Social Insurance Agency
Phone: 0771-524 524
The Swedish Pensions Agency
Phone: 0771-776 776
The Swedish Tax Agency
Phone: 0771-567 567
Statens servicecenter only provide personal guidance at our offices.
If you need to get in touch with our agency, call 0771-451 000.
The switchboard is open Monday to Friday 08:00–16:00.
Last updated: 2024-03-27
Published: 2022-05-05